Monday, March 31, 2008

Erotic Victorian

I am not usually a blogger, I don't often find the words to say what i mean, I am not eloquent, I leave that to my husband.
I want to say something today.
I am so thrilled to belong to Caledon, this community is such an amazing thing. I did a photo exhibition for relay for life, called an Erotic Victorian, and I was hoping to earn L$10,000 from the show to go towards relay for life. a charity that I am very close to. As of this moment it has earned L$65,000. over 6 times what i was hoping! I am beyond thrilled, awed, amazed and happy. I don't have much money in real life, nor in secondlife. This was something i could do to contribute to something that is so important to me, and it surpassed my expectations by so much that i cannot get over how shocked i am by it.
My real life husband, and secondlife fiance, Duckthulhu Dagger is a cancer survivor, he had to get treated multiple times, the most recent being 5 years ago with a bone marrow transplant. he is right now 5 years cancer free.
I am proud and honored to belong to a community that can be so very selfless.